
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Festivus For The Rest Of Us

liquid's YTD: $1903.92

For the third time this year, my YTD has cracked $1800. The first time was on the cusp of my trip to Tunica, during which I dropped down below $1500. A week and half later, I had clawed back to $1800. I promptly dropped over $500 in two days last week (though I managed to salvage a couple hundred by the end of the second day). By Sunday I'd recovered from that downswing as well, but I'm well behind my $10k goal for the year. The YTD graph is ugly.

I nosedived towards $1600 again last night. I was three-tabling $100 PLO, and had not managed to crack $100 on two of the tables, despite discouragingly frequent top-offs. On the third table I'd gotten to around $185. For the night I was down $150 overall and was about to pack it in.

That's when The Hand happened.

I get AAJ3 with three diamonds in middle position. Ok, whatever. By the by, this is on my one winning table, where I'm sitting with $185.

Smart LAG, who has buckets of money, raises to $2.50 UTG, simply because this is what he's decided to do with every hand he plays tonight, regardless of position. Folds to me. I call. Folds to the button, who calls. Then the first blind, who has only $50, raises less than pot, to $10.

(Now, I will go ahead and reveal that B1 had a monster. 7742 single-suited. This is a good table.)

Back to the action. The second blind calls, which is curious. UTG LAG calls, so he must not even have double-suited trash, or else he'd likely raise to isolate. I call. The button, who started the hand with $78, raises pot to $64.

Ah geez.

The first blind calls all in.

The second blind, who started the hand with $115, calls. (!)

UTG LAG folds. Huh.

I push all-in, covering all remaining players now that UTG LAG is gone. Blargh.

Button calls, second blind calls, four players to the flop, everyone all-in, about $400 in the middle.

At this point I don't even want to watch the hand. As fate would have it, I was actually involved in a hand on another table, so I was only half-watching as the board was dealt out for the 4-way freak fest. It didn't look good.

No ace, of course.

No diamonds. At all.

No pair on the board. Ugh.

In fact I get no help whatsoever: Qs, 5s, Jc, 2c, 8h. I start hoping for a piece of a side pot, something, anything.

Instead, I watch in amazement as the WHOLE FREAKING POT ships my way.

Yes, I won a 4-way all-in pre-flop coup with aces unimproved. It's a Festivus miracle!


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