
Friday, February 17, 2006

My Moody Roomie

liquid's YTD: $1185.50

Folks say you have to love variance to play pot-limit Omaha. Somehow I managed to avoid all those crazy swings during my first year of play. That's all changed in 2006. Variance has moved in, raided the refrigerator, and is camped out on my couch.

Last week, for the first time all year, I put together a modest string of steady wins. I managed to erase that last night with a personal record $377 loss. Somehow I didn't feel all that bad about my play, although I did identify $60-odd worth of donkey river calls. I also could have pushed harder earlier in a couple hands to take down modest pots instead of trying to build bigger ones. And there was one FE-less check-raise in a raised pot with a wrap that would have been smarter to bet out with, especially in hindsight: foe had a weaker draw, we both whiffed, and he took it down with a pair of jacks. Ok, so it wasn't my best night.

This evening variance wasn't so grumpy. I managed to book $388 in winnings, highlighted by a nice $292 pot. I realize I haven't posted any interesting hands in a long while, and this one won't change matters. But it is one of the few big pots to ship my way this year, and I need to bask in its warming glow.

$100 Pot-Limit Omaha (9-handed)

Seat 2: Hero (UTG+1, $97) [Ah Qs 6s 6h]
Seat 3: LAG (UTG+2, $248.95)
Seat 5: TAG (MP1, $96.70)

B1 posts blind ($1), B2 posts blind ($1), UTG folds, Hero calls $1, LAG calls $1, TAG calls $1, MP2 folds, CO calls $1, Button calls $1, B1 checks, B2 checks.

($7) FLOP [4h 3h 5d]
B1 checks, B2 checks, Hero checks, LAG checks, TAG checks, CO checks, Button checks.

($7) TURN [4h 3h 5d 6c]

Top set and nut flush draw on a straightened board! Here we go....

B1 checks, B2 checks, Hero bets $7, LAG bets $28

S'all right, I can call that.

TAG bets $95.70 and is all-in

3-way action! Time to stack off -- LAG'll call for sure.

CO/Button/B1/B2 fold, Hero bets $89 and is all-in, LAG calls $68.

($292) RIVER [4h 3h 5d 6c 2h]

Hero shows [Ah Qs 6s 6h]
LAG shows [7s 5c Qh Ks]
TAG shows [5h 7h Jh 8h]
Hero wins $292.70.

My situation wasn't as rosy as I hoped -- five (!!) hearts and a board card were dead, reducing my outs from 18 to 12 -- but I still had exactly the 33.33% equity I needed, thanks to LAG pushing with his non-nut straight. I'm always amazed at how many things typically have to work out just right to win a big pot.

This is a humbling game.


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