
Monday, July 04, 2005

Made For Breaking

liquid's YTD: $1122.73

Long time no post. Like Napalm, I hit the road for a week or so, but unlike Napalm, I played zero hands of poker during that span. In the time around my break, I've fled Stars (again); had a so-so run on PokerRoom; and then yesterday moved on to Party to collect their July bonus. My bankroll has gone almost nowhere in the past month, so Party's easy-to-collect $100 bonus is very welcome.

More from the Why I Love Omaha series:

Seat 1: Hero [Jd Qs Jh As] (CO, $25)
Seat 2: TopSet (Button, $9.10)
Seat 8: MadeStr8 (MP1, $26.50)

SB posts $0.10, BB posts $0.25, Hero posts $0.25.

UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $0.25, MadeStr8 calls $0.25, MP2 calls $0.25, Hero raises $0.75 to $1, TopSet calls $1, SB folds, BB calls $0.75, UTG+1 calls $0.75, MadeStr8 calls $0.75, MP2 calls $0.75.

FLOP [6s Th 9s]

Action flop! Long story short: TopSet, MadeStr8, and I all shove our stacks in. TopSet has TTxx for top set; MadeStr8 has 78Jx for the made straight with one improving straight card; and I have the nut flush draw and an open-ended nut straight draw. Savor the numbers:

pokenum -o as qs jd jh - tc td 4h 3h - jc 8c 3d 7h -- 6s th 9s
Omaha Hi: 666 enumerated boards containing 9s 6s Th
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
As Qs Jd Jh 271 40.69 390 58.56 5 0.75 0.411
Tc Td 4h 3h 274 41.14 392 58.86 0 0.00 0.411
Jc 8c 3d 7h 116 17.42 545 81.83 5 0.75 0.178

That's right, Jimmy: If you play Omaha, you too can flop the nuts and earn a whopping 17% chance of winning the pot. Push your stack in pronto!

p.s. The turn bricked, and the river paired the board, giving TopSet the main pot, MadeStr8 the side pot, and Hero some material for his blog.


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