
Saturday, May 14, 2005

Calling Is Hard

liquid's YTD: $930.31

Tonight I have a rarity: me, with a made hand, calling down a bettor on multiple streets. Historically this tactic has led to Bad Things for hero. Therefore, my strong tendency is to push or pass, especially when I have position. I'm consciously working to identify situations where calling is correct when not on a draw.

$50 PL Omaha Hi (Real Money)

Seat 1: Hero (CO, $116.1)
Seat 6: Agressor (UTG, $52.15)

** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [Td 8d 9c Ts]

Agressor calls [$0.5].
UTG+1 calls [$0.5].
UTG+2, MP1, MP2 fold.
Hero raises [$1.5].
Button, SB, BB fold.
Agressor raises [$3.5].
UTG+1 folds.
Hero calls [$2.5].

Pre-flop check-raise from Agressor in early position. Agressor sat down four hands ago, and I don't have a history on him. Assumption is aces.

** Dealing Flop ** [7h, 5s, 5d]
Agressor checks.
Hero checks.

** Dealing Turn ** [6s]
Agressor bets [$6].

Nut straight on a paired board. Huh. I consider raising, but realize this is likely one of those situations where I'm either way beat (with an unlikely AA77 or AA66?) or way ahead. I'm counting on the latter, and maybe foe has another bluff for the river. Seems like a good opportunity to *gulp* call. Deep breath, and here we go.

Hero calls [$6].

** Dealing River ** [6d]
Agressor bets [$20].
Hero calls [$20].
Agressor shows [Tc, Jh, Ah, Kc] a pair of sixes.
Hero shows [Td, 8d, 9c, Ts] a straight, five to nine.
Hero wins $58.25 from the main pot with a straight, five to nine.

How about that. Uncomfortable, but rewarding.


Blogger napalm said...

How about a raise on the end to disguise your hand?

2:31 PM  
Blogger napalm said...

or did you think you might be beat?

2:41 PM  
Blogger liquid said...

I think I'm ahead, but I still think the chances that I'm beat are greater than the chances of foe calling a raise. Or are you saying there's value to foe not seeing my straight?

2:43 PM  
Blogger napalm said...

Yep, sometimes there is to set him up later, since you were in position.


4:23 PM  
Blogger liquid said...

Go back to the crazy house crazy man.

10:36 PM  

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