
Monday, April 04, 2005

Stupidest. Play. Ever.

liquid's YTD: $553.45

Wow, I'm still having trouble believing this one. I had only been playing for 10 minutes and was up $7, but I was feeling loopy from my cold medicine and decided to quit when the blinds came around to me. So I'm under the gun -- last hand -- and get 7T78. That's good enough to see cheaply UTG, so I limp in. And lo! The flop comes 7-2-4 rainbow! I pot it and get two callers. Ace on the turn, and I think, well surely no one has aces, so I pot it again since there's a diamond draw now. The person behind me re-raises, and the next guy goes all-in. Naturally I push the rest of my chips in... never seeing the straight on the board until the deed is done. Uh! Idiot!

Resolution #4: Lay off the cold meds.


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